June 5th - Goals/Mission draft sent out to Steering Committee for comment as well as Survey results.
June 13th - All site visits scheduled by this date. Visits should be concluded by the end of June.
End of June/Beginning of July - After site visits do a meeting debrief to talk about them as well as a preliminary discussion about the wishlist.
Week of July 25th - Meet to discuss wishlist priorities.
July 29th - Faculty survey is sent out. Will obviously need to have meetings beforehand to determine survey questions and logistics.
August 11th- Preliminary Faculty Survey results review and Learning Commons Design Meeting (Part I)
August 21st- Fall Convocation Presentation
August 27th- Faculty Survey final results reviewed and Learning Commons Design Meeting (Part II).
October - PSR Created and Submitted to PAS
November/December - Submit plan to Board for Approval
Mid-October to Early-April - Design the space. Meet with Facilities, involve students and faculty for input/feedback
March 2015 - Submit budget plan to Board for approval
April 2015- Continue discussions for final design
May - June 2015 - Submit for bid
Summer/Fall 2015
June - December 2015- Library services, Tutoring services, and Writing Center consolidate in the current Writing Center space as construction on the new Learning Commons begins. Resources will be relocated for the Summer and Fall semesters.
January 2016
FCC's new Learning Commons opens for business!
June 2017
Named Bess & Frank Gladhill Learning Commons
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